Canva Is Available Now In Seven Languages!

June 24, 2016
Posted in Posts
June 24, 2016 admin

Canva just went global by making their software available in seven languages! Yes, you read that right. Canva is now accessible in French, German, Italian, Spanish (European), Spanish (Latin-American), Polish, and Portoguese.

This means that over one billion people now can access Canva and create amazing designs using their own language. By the end of the year, Canva will also be available in Russian, Chinese, Thai, Bahasa, Malay, Japanese, Turkish, and Ukrainian. One of the reasons why Canva is so revolutionary is because it offers an affordable graphic design platform that normally is out of reach and unaffordable (like Photoshop) for many marketers and graphic designers. It democratizes graphic design, offers unique fonts, design elements, and standardized sizes for social media posts to save time on figuring out image sizes and designing for them.

To put it simply, Canva just got even more better, more open, and is more accessible to millions of workers all over the planet. To celebrate their accessibility in different languages, Canva is launching an amazing graphic design contest called the Canva Cup Contest.

All you have to do is choose one of the categories available on the contest website, create an unique design, and share your design on social media using the hashtag #canvacup. Sounds pretty easy, right? It is exactly that easy to do with Canva’s software, which is very user-friendly and allows you to create any kind of graphic piece for social media to promote your clients’ businesses.

There are three prizes available in the contest, and we’ll explain what you get if your design wins any one of the three prizes:

Overall Winner

  • Brand consultation with Canva’s senior designer
  • A FREE iPad
  • Free year of Canva for Work

Category Finalists

  • $100 in Canva credit
  • Free year of Canva for Work
  • Your design shared by Canva and social media influencer Guy Kawasaki

People’s Choice

  • $100 in Canva credit
  • Free year of Canva for Work

Your judges will be Melanie Perkins, the founder and CEO of, Poppie Pack, the senior designer at Canva, and Guy Kawasaki, Chief Evangelist. They will bring a breadth of expertise in judging designs, and if yours is good enough to rise to the top of pack, then you are due for some major congratulations!

You have nothing to lose by entering the Canva Cup Contest, and everything to gain if you win! If your design wins, you’ll get some of the additional benefits such as increased name recognition on social media, and more leads  for your business. You also can use your marketing knowledge to make your graphic design go viral.

So, what are you waiting for? Enter now, and show us your amazing designs!

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